Saturday, 10 January 2015

Nature Resolutions 2015

I have been thinking a lot recently about the things I would like to achieve this year. I guess you could call them New Year's Resolutions, but I don't really want them to be about lifestyle changes. Instead I would like to set myself some challenges for the year that not only benefit me but are also useful to others, including wildlife.

I am calling these my nature resolutions - some are certainly more challenging than others, but most are something that I keep thinking I should do but have never got around to.

My 2015 Nature Resolutions

1. Try to identify more micro moths caught in my moth trap
2. Take part in the Garden Bioblitz - an intense 24hour record of the wildlife in your garden
3. Go to Blandford and spot an otter
4. Monitor the success of my managed 'wildlife' patch - I planted a wildlife area in the Autumn and would like to keep an eye on what species are using it
5. Take part in the Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey and record butterflies in a km square
6. Use my bike more - cycle to the places I can reach by bike rather than drive. Maybe enter a charity bike race for incentive to ride more and raise money for charity

Another thing I always think I should allow more time for is art.  This evening I did just that:

A Marbled White Butterfly - acrylic, pencil and sharpie!
Marsh Fritillary done years ago and the Marbled White from today

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