Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Beginning

I have been meaning to start this blog for a good few months now.  The idea and title came to me on a sunny day last year as I wandered around Weymouth Harbour in Dorset.  I was watching a herring gull fishing for crabs, carefully scooping them up in his beak before smashing them into tiny pieces on the wooden walkways.
I find animal behaviour fascinating and it's something I come across very regularly, every day in fact with the career I am trying to pursue (conservation). I wanted somewhere where I could record and share these fascinating little moments with wildlife.
So here it is my very own Little Nuggets of Nature Blog and my first Nugget from today:

A Great Spotted Woodpecker.  I have only ever seen these birds clinging to tree trunks, bird feeders or branches but today I saw my first one on the ground.  They don't look natural on the ground at all. A striking black, white and red bird is not hard to see when out in the open, nor is it easy to miss when its stride is an awkward hop.  This bird appeared to be feeding on something amongst a jovial of dunnock. Once content it took flight and headed towards me.  I was lucky enough to catch a good glimpse of the bird as it flew past, it was carrying an acorn!

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